In recent years, interpack, which takes place May 4-10, 2017, in Düsseldorf, Germany, has become one of the must-attend shows for U.S. bakers looking outside of the box.


When it comes to packaging, bakers and snack producers often seek solutions outside of their industries. In the bread arena, that might include something as unique as resealable bulk packaging of buns so they stay fresher for a longer period of time.

For cookie manufacturers, it may involve adding more flexibility while running production lines at maximum speeds.

In recent years, interpack, which takes place May 4-10, 2017, in Düsseldorf, Germany, has become one of the must-attend shows for U.S. bakers looking outside of the box. In addition to back-of-the-line innovation, the world’s largest packaging show features the latest in cookie, biscuit and snack processing. The massive event spans more than 19 exhibit halls, of which four of them focus on the baking and snack industry and will total about 400,000 square feet in exhibit space.

The upcoming show has been sold out for months as far as exhibit space. In previous years, the triennial event attracted more than 2,700 exhibitors from nearly 60 countries. At the previous interpack in 2014, 175,000 visitors from around the world participated in the event.

As the New Year approaches, show organizers encourage attendees to register and book hotels as soon as possible because rooms are going at a premium, or in some cases, not available in the immediate area. Tickets to the show include free public transportation around Düsseldorf.