Extending compliance dates
The F.D.A. has proposed to extend the compliance dates for the Nutrition Facts and Supplement Facts label final rule, which includes the mandatory listing of vitamin D and potassium. Under the proposal, manufacturers with $10 million or more in annual food sales would have until Jan. 1, 2020, to come into compliance. Manufacturers with less than $10 million in annual food sales would have until Jan. 1, 2021, to come into compliance.
Some level requirements for claims also are changing.
“With the new F.D.A. regulation on food labeling, bakeries that want to keep their nutrient content claims will have no choice but to review their bread recipes/formulations,” said Jacinthe Côté, a registered dietitian and food scientist for Montreal-based Lallemand.
She gave the example of an increase in the Daily Value for vitamin D to 800 International Units (I.U.), or 200 mcg, and the new serving sizes (Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed) for baked foods. The changes will mean that bakeries that want to continue claiming a “good” or “excellent” source of vitamin D may have to change their source of vitamin D.
“At the moment, Lallemand vitamin D2 yeast products are the only source of vitamin D that can be used in bread recipes to make such claims because they can be used at a maximum of 400 I.U. (100 mcg) per 100 grams of bread, rolls and fine bakery products,” she said.
Lallemand also has developed a new range of Instaferm VitaD premixes, which are blends composed of VitaD yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and wheat flour for inclusion in bread, rolls and fine bakery products. The products deliver consistency with the same quality and vitamin D levels every time, according to Lallemand.
Vitamin D is important for its role in bone development and general health, and intakes among some population groups are inadequate, according to the May 27, 2016, issue of the Federal Register.
“Sun exposure is the best way to get vitamin D, but during the winter months the sun’s rays are not strong enough to produce the precious vitamin,” Lallemand said. “We look to food as a source, but it’s not easy to get enough vitamin D from food. Bakers can make a difference: Why not make bread a daily source of vitamin D?”
Daily values for sodium and vitamin D are being updated based on new scientific evidence from the Institute of Medicine and other reports such as the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report, which was used in developing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020.
“More specifically, the Daily Values for vitamin D for the general population is being increased from 400 I.U. to 800 I.U.,” Lallemand said.
Vitamin D claims may vary by country, too.
Under F.D.A. regulations in the United States, a food item needs to contain 10% to 19% of the Daily Value (D.V.) to have a claim of “good source,” “contains” or “provides.” When a food item contains 20% or more of the D.V., claims of “high,” “rich in” or “excellent source of” may be used.
According to Canadian regulations, a product may say “contains” or “source of” when the food item provides 5% or more of the recommended daily intake (R.D.I.). Also in Canada, a claim of “good source of” or “high in” may be used when the food provides 15% or more of the R.D.I., and a claim of “excellent source of,” “very high in,” “rich in” or “a valuable source of” when the food provides 25% or more of the R.D.I.
“Concerning vitamin D in particular, there are other interesting discrepancies between the U.S. and Canada,” Lallemand said. “American bakeries may offer bread with as much as 400 I.U. of vitamin D per 100 grams when using vitamin D2 yeast, but are maxed out to 90 I.U. (2.25 mcg) per 100 grams if using vitamin D2 or D3. In Canada, there are no such differences, and bread can contain as much as 90 I.U. (2.25 mcg) per 100 grams notwithstanding the source of vitamin D.”