Baking Business

A.S.B. calls for papers for 2015 conference


CHICAGO — As it prepares for BakingTech 2015, the American Society of Baking (A.S.B.) is seeking applications for speakers to present at next year’s Annual Technical Conference in Chicago, March 1-3, 2015.

Every year, more than 1,000 industry professionals and leaders attend this conference to learn about the latest products, techniques and strategies that can improve their bakeries. The A.S.B. hopes next year’s educational sessions can help bakers prepare for the future of the industry through its theme “Engage the future: People, products, processes.”

 The A.S.B. is currently accepting proposals for 40-minute oral paper presentations that will help bakers tackle the challenges facing bakers tomorrow, particularly in the areas of sustainability, labor, new products, manufacturing and management. The deadline for submissions is May 8. Papers must be submitted on-line at

For more on submission guidelines, visit