Baking Business

Custom Foods to double plant size


DE SOTO, KAS. — Custom Foods, Inc. broke ground July 7 on a construction project that is expected to more than double the company’s existing footprint and production. Dirt work is scheduled to begin later this week.

“This is something that has been in the planning for the past two years or more,” said John Khoury, president and co-owner of Custom Foods. “It’s exciting to get this rolling. Everything is coming together.”

Custom Foods produces frozen bread, roll, pizza and cookie doughs.

When the 27,000-square-foot project is complete — which should be before the end of 2014, Mr. Khoury said — Custom Foods will have more than three times the capacity when new equipment is installed. The current building covers 20,000 square feet.

“That’s just the initial phase,” Mr. Khoury said. “The footprint of the plant we’re designing is going to be able to take us well beyond that. As far as jobs, that could be endless down the road. Once the plant is up and running, it will increase capacity and help us out for years to come. We were getting to about maximum capacity for this footprint, so we’re excited to grow and add jobs and serve our customers.”

The event was attended by local and state officials, including Kansas Governor  Sam Brownback, whose remarks focused on the jobs the expansion will bring with it, thanking Mr. Khoury and Custom Foods founder and chief executive officer Joe Bisogno.