Bundy Baking Solutions to open pan servicing plant in Colombia
URBANA, OHIO — Gilbert Bundy, chief executive officer of Bundy Baking Solutions, Urbana, and Michael Thew, president of Pan Glo Services, announced the opening of Pan Glo de Colombia in the first quarter of 2016. The facility will provide bakery operations in Central and South America with access to industry-leading pan services and coatings.
The opening of the plant in Colombia marks the 21st pan servicing operation for Bundy Baking Solutions. There are currently 13 facilities in the United States, 4 in Canada, and 1 each in Mexico, Brazil and the United Kingdom. The Colombia plant will be equipped with the same production equipment and coating technology used in the current plants. In addition to providing cleaning and coating services, the plant will offer pan straightening and other related services to help customers better manage and extend the life of their baking pans.