Baking Business

One Ardent mill begins shipping after flooding

Ardent Mills facility in Alton Illinois
Ardent Mills reports its mill in Alton, Ill., resumed bulk shipments on Jan. 4.

DENVER – Ardent Mills reports its mill in Alton, Ill., resumed bulk shipments on Jan. 4, but a mill in Chester, Ill., likely will be down for weeks. Both mills were affected when flooding brought flour milling and elevators to a near halt in the St. Louis region during the last week of 2015 and into early 2016.

Clean-up operations at the Chester mill began on Jan. 4. The wheat flour mill there has a capacity of 10,000 cwts, according to the 2016 Grain & Milling Annual. The grain elevator in Chester has a capacity of 1 million bus. Denver-based Ardent Mills continues to coordinate with customers to ensure orders are fulfilled from the company’s network of mill locations.