Baking Business

Kansas wheat quality survey available


MANHATTAN, KAS. — The Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University has introduced a new tool for tracking quality characteristics of the Kansas wheat harvest at its web site, The web tool is offered as part of an effort to make the data available to international consumers, and is sponsored by the International Grains Program in partnership with Kansas Wheat.

In order to track the quality characteristics, K.S.U. said the wheat samples are tested for test weight, moisture, protein content and a variety of other factors. The information then is made available through the department web site and email marketing.

“We have a unique opportunity with our I.G.P. alumni, who are primarily executives in the agriculture industry, to help promote the wheat industry and benefit Kansas producers,” said Mark Fowler, associate director of the I.G.P. “Our course participants come from all over the world and are eager to follow harvest as it happens in Kansas. This mapping and marketing tool will make it easier for them to receive the information sooner.”

The survey provides a GIS mapping tool, producer profiles and harvest updates, as well as industry commentary provided by K.S.U. faculty.

David Schemm, a wheat producer from Sharon Springs, is participating as a featured producer in the quality survey. He said he believes in the quality of the wheat grown in Kansas.

“I would tell an international buyer that just as consumers’ likes and tastes have changed over the years, so has Kansas wheat,” he said. “Farmers and breeders are focused on raising high-quality wheat, and using the latest technology to provide a clean, quality, and safe product. We believe in our product. That’s why we take wheat right out of the bin of our combine, grind it in our house, and use it to make bread. Kansas is the one place that has the perfect climate and soils for growing high-quality wheat, and the resources to use the latest technology and infrastructure to quickly transport that product to the buyer.”