Baking Business

I.B.A. to feature presentations on labor, OSHA


WASHINGTON — The landscape in Washington for the labor movement and for the changes in rules from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration will be featured at the 36th annual convention of the Independent Bakers Association.

The gathering will be held June 15-17 at the Washington Court hotel in Washington.

Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, will offer a presentation on the “Liberal labor agenda,” while Mark Druex, an attorney with Arent Fox L.L.P. will discuss “Obama administration OSHA policies.”

Farm policy will be addressed at the meeting by James W. Miller, Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services. He will review agriculture policy in the Obama administration. Representative John Boozman of Arkansas will offer “Perspectives on foreign relations.”

Other presenters at the I.B.A. annual meeting include Anne Giesecke, president of A&D Policy Analysis Inc., “Environment and sustainability,” and Jim Hess of Horizon Milling, who will discuss “Wheat pricing crises and quality.”

Announced earlier as a speaker was Rich Galen, a columnist and Republican strategist, who will offer a “2010 mid-term election outlook.”