Make cookies with whole grain, fiber
A new healthy cookie base from Cargill, Minneapolis, allows grain-based foods companies to create whole grain cookies and bars with added fiber. The base contains proprietary ingredients available only from Cargill. It allows for the formulation of cookies and bars with such claims as 57.5% total whole grains, more than 25% total dietary fiber, 0 grams trans fat in the cookie base and enriched with vitamins and minerals. The cookie base offers a mild taste and a soft texture.
For one example, a cinnamon raisin cookie formula meets the Whole Grain Council’s requirements to carry a Whole Grain Stamp. Other cookie and bar variations include chocolate chip, maple brown sugar, cranberry white chocolate, banana chocolate chip, cinnamon brown sugar, blueberry and apple cinnamon.
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This article can also be found in the digital edition of Milling and Baking News, February 10, 2008, starting on Page 48. Click here to search that archive.