Baking Business

Bud Cason: Making big things happen


Bud Cason
Albert L. (Bud) Cason was only a 12-year-old when he began his prestigious baking industry career.

It didn’t take long for Albert L. (Bud) Cason to realize that it’s the little things in everyday life that make people happy. In fact, he was only a 12-year-old when he began his prestigious baking industry career — one that now spans more than 50 years — by working for Greg’s Cookie Co., Birmingham, Ala., which relatives owned in the 1950s.

Throughout his career, Mr. Cason proved that the little things in life can make big things happen. Take Bud’s Best Cookies, which he founded in 1991. Over the years, Mr. Cason arguably invented — if not defined — the mini-cookie segment, transforming it from a niche market as his Hoover, Ala., business grew. His thriving bakery also changed the face of the private label cookie market by successfully supplying some of the industry’s largest companies with mini cookies.

After several expansions and consistent investments in state-of-the-art systems, the facility and its 175 employees today turn out more than 1 million cookies an hour. Mr. Cason, however, is almost better known for his contributions to the cookie industry. He was a founding member of the Cookie and Snack Bakers Association (C.A.S.B.A.) 40 years ago and remains a ceaseless supporter of C.A.S.B.A.

A man of character, he is also known for his tireless commitment to his church and community. Congratulations to Mr. Cason who will be inducted into the American Society of Baking’s Baking Hall of Fame next month.