Baking Business

Benchmark adds north central regional sales manager

A new sales manager position will expand Benchmark’s sales team coverage

STATHAM, GA. — Benchmark has expanded its sales to include Shane Peterson as its north central region sales manager. He will cover the Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin territories. 

Mr. Peterson has worked in the specialty equipment industry for 16 years. His past experience working with Friesen, Inc. allowed him to cultivate an understanding of industrial food grade equipment and specialize in conveyors, palletizers, checkweighers, labelers and belting. 

“I’m pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Peterson to the Benchmark team,” said Eric Cruse, director of sales, Benchmark. “He brings years of experience in providing application solutions for a variety of customer challenges. This breadth of knowledge will help to further our footprint within the north central region to better serve our customers.”