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Magazine gives Mediterranean top diet ranking for 2019


WASHINGTON — A panel brought together by U.S. News & World Report ranked the Mediterranean diet as the best diet for diabetes, the best diet for healthy eating and the easiest diet to follow. Not surprisingly, the Mediterranean diet also was No. 1 overall in the “Best Diets 2019” rankings released by the magazine Jan. 2.

“With its emphasis on fruits and vegetables, olive oil, fish and other healthy fare, the Mediterranean diet is eminently sensible, and experts’ assessments of it were resoundingly positive, giving this diet an edge over many competitors,” the magazine said.

The Mediterranean diet also tied with the Ornish diet for being the most heart healthy.

“The Ornish diet got a mixed reaction from experts,” U.S. News & World Report said. “On one hand, it’s nutritionally sound, safe and tremendously heart-healthy. On the other, it’s not easy for dieters to adhere to the severe fat restriction the diet demands.”

WW (Weight Watchers) was ranked as the best weight-loss diet.

“WW (Weight Watchers) is a smart, effective diet,” the magazine said. “It surpassed other commercial diet plans in multiple areas, including for short- and long-term weight loss and how easy it is to follow. It’s also nutritionally sound and safe, according to experts. Among its pluses: an emphasis on group support, lots of fruits and vegetables, and room for occasional indulgences.”

U.S. News & World Report pointed out that no diet is ideal for everybody and gave its No. 2 overall diet, the DASH diet, as an example.

“It wasn’t created as a way to drop pounds but as a means of combating high blood pressure (it stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension),” the magazine said.

The rankings of all 41 diets involved may be found here.

Two diets talked about often in 2018 did not fare well in the 2019 rankings.

The paleo diet tied for 31st place.

“Experts took issue with the paleo diet on every measure,” the magazine said.  “Regardless of the goal — weight loss, heart health or finding a diet that’s easy to follow — most experts concluded that it would be better for dieters to look elsewhere.”

The keto diet tied for 38th place.

“The aim of the keto diet is to help a person lose weight burning fat by entering into a state of ketosis, in which the body breaks down dietary and stored fat into substances that are called ketones, but the strictly carb-limited, high-fat diet left some experts concerned about nutritional imbalances (a couple recommended medical supervision would be necessary),” U.S. News & World Report said. “Others raised concerns the diet is extreme or rigid and would be difficult to sustain.”