Baking Business

‘Since Sliced Bread’ uncovers answers to baking industry’s hiring problem


After examining the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on commercial bakeries, Baking & Snack’s podcast Since Sliced Bread will return Oct. 14 to take on the workforce crisis.

In the new season, Charlotte Atchley, senior editor, Baking & Snack, speaks with guests about how companies can solve the industry’s inescapable problem of hiring and retaining talent of all skill levels.

“We’re going to not only break down what the problem is exactly, but we’re also featuring bakeries who have found success in addressing this issue, whether they changed where they were looking for workers or made their business more attractive,” Ms. Atchley said. “There will be some good takeaways and ideas to consider.”

Kicking off the season is a conversation with Marjorie Hellmer, president, Cypress Research Associates, a firm that has conducted research on the baking industry’s behalf for 18 years. Ms. Hellmer will discuss how the industry has evolved since Cypress conducted the 2016 Workforce Gap Study commissioned by the American Bakers Association and the American Society of Baking.

“The quick answer is that there is and will continue to be a perennial shortage of quality job candidates within US manufacturing and, therefore, commercial baking,” she said. “It’s really a long-term challenge that won’t be solved by near term, temporary industry benefits of high unemployment rates. And, honestly, high unemployment does not mean there are suddenly skilled workers available to fill these manufacturing positions. They really do require specialized degrees or training.”

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