Bakers and snack manufacturers hoping to expand their client lists likely will be exhibiting products at the International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association’s (IDDBA) 2013 Dairy-Deli-Bake show June 2-4 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL. The show’s exhibitors include many of the key suppliers to supermarket in-store bakeries and foodservice chains with everything from par-baked breads to frozen desserts.

Beyond the food expo that features more than 1,650 booths, the show offers seminars on trends, research, marketing ideas and new products and services, all of which are free to attendees.

Also, the show consistently brings in some of the nation’s top speakers and performers, including this year former quarterback great Brett Favre and Fox News Channel commentator Bill O’Reilly. And with a theme of “Foodie All-Stars,” another top speaker slated for this year is the Food Network’s Alton Brown, who will talk about “Feasting on Foodies: TV Food Shows and Their Impact.”

And the event wouldn’t be complete without Carol Christison, IDDBA’s executive director, making her annual observations about consumer attitudes, buying patterns and the mini- and mega-trends that are reshaping in-store bakeries.

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