WASHINGTON — Senator Dan Coats of Indiana will serve as keynote speaker June 6 at a joint dinner of the boards of the American Bakers Association and the Allied Trades of the Baking Industry in Washington.
The joint board meeting between the groups will be held June 6-7 and will deal with a wide range of issues facing the baking industry.
Robb MacKie, president and chief executive officer of the A.B.A., described Mr. Coats as a “longtime ally of the baking industry” and a highly respected U.S. senator.
“An expert in health care, defense and foreign policy, the A.B.A. and A.T.B.I. boards will be benefit greatly from Senator Coats’ perspective at this critical time for our country,” Mr. MacKie said.
Mr. Coats serves on the Senate Appropriations; Commerce, Science and Transportation; Joint Economic; and Select Intelligence committees. He will address the boards on major Washington issues, including health care reform, the farm bill and the current intelligence and security concerns in Syria, Libya and elsewhere.
A graduate of Wheaton College, Mr. Coats served in the U.S. Army and then attended the University of Indiana where he received a law degree. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1981 until 1989 and then spent the next 10 years in the U.S. Senate. He retired in 1999, honoring a term-limits pledge.
Mr. Coats worked in the private sector until he was named U.S. Ambassador to Germany in 2001. In 2005, he returned to the private sector where he remained until he was reelected to the Senate in 2010.