MUNICH, GERMANY -- The International Union of Bakers and Confectioners will be a “powerful partner of iba,” the international baking industry trade show to be held in Munich Sept. 12-15, 2015. iba said the U.I.B.C. will be attending iba for the first time in 2015 “and now it is going to assist as a professional partner at the fair.”
To be involved in the major craft baking competition at iba, the U.I.B.C. was created at the beginning of 2014 as a merger between the International Union of Bakers and the International Union of Confectioners. The group strives to support national baking and confectionery organizations all over the world.
“Today, it represents more than 300,000 businesses and more than 4 million sectoral experts in 45 countries on five continents,” iba said. “The newly founded U.I.B.C. joins the bakers and the confectioners craft worldwide, as widely as no other association.”
Peter Becker, president of the German Bakers’ Confederation, currently serves as president of the U.I.B.C. In addition to serving as host for iba, Germany accounted for 41% of exhibitors and 39% of visitors at the show in 2012.
“As a new partner of iba, this international trade fair will benefit from the wide global network of U.I.B.C., and additionally it will support the international importance as that top event of the craft,” Mr. Becker said. “With U.I.B.C.’s support, especially for German bakers and confectioners, the iba will be a perfect platform to establish promising contacts abroad.”
iba said the U.I.B.C. will take a lead role in the international bakers and confectioners competition, formerly known as the iba cup, selecting top bakers and pastry chefs worldwide.
“The power struggle of the baking guild will be called iba UIBC-CUP in future,” iba said.
The principal objectives of the International of Union Bakers, as stated in 2010, were the promotion of the reputation of baked foods and the image of the craft bakers. The organization is intended as a platform for cooperation and information sharing within the baked foods sector globally.
U.I.B.C. member countries mostly are in Europe but also include Algeria, Australia, Brazil, China, Iran, Israel, Taiwan and Turkey. The group is affiliated with the Confederación Interamericana de la Industria del Pan, a Montevideo, Uruguay-based group representing baking in South America.