WASHINGTON — The American Bakers Association and the Retail Bakers of America requested five years to comply with upcoming changes to the Nutrition Facts Panel in their comments filed Aug. 1 to the Food and Drug Administration.
The F.D.A., while proposing Nutrition Facts Panel changes in the March 3 issue of the Federal Register, proposed an effective date of 60 days after the date of the final rule’s publication in the Federal Register with a compliance date two years after the effective date. Results from a packaging survey sponsored by the A.B.A. found bakery and packaging members would need significantly more time for changes and implementation.
The A.B.A and the R.B.A. also commented on other Nutrition Facts Panel proposals, including the definition of fiber, added sugar declaration and records access authority. Comments on serving size focused on dual column labeling policy and “reasonable RACCs that encourage innovation for bakery compliance.”
“These sweeping proposals would impact every packaged food product in the marketplace,” said Lee Sanders, senior vice-president of government relations and public affairs for the Washington-based association. “It is critical that any final policy changes be based on sound science, and A.B.A.’s comments question the science, or lack of science, behind the agency’s N.F.P. proposal. A.B.A.’s comments were developed through extensive dialogue, the consensus process of the A.B.A. Food Technical Regulatory Affairs and additional input from the full membership.”
Aug. 1 marked the final day the F.D.A. allowed public comments on the Nutrition Facts Panel proposals.