WASHINGTON — Robert L. Benton, senior vice-president and chief manufacturing officer of Flowers Foods, Inc., and Jorge Zárate Lupercio, senior vice-president of operations for Bimbo Mexico, have joined the International Baking Industry Exposition 2016 committee.
Mr. Benton is responsible for the operations, productivity and efficiency of more than 45 bakeries for Flowers Foods, Thomasville, Ga., and oversees capital projects, including bakery start-ups and expansions. He has held leadership roles in such groups as AIB International, BEMA and the American Society of Baking, where he served as chairman from 2008-09.
“I.B.I.E. showcases the technological innovation that is moving our industry forward, and I’m honored to join the team that helps direct the focus of this important trade event,” he said.
Mr. Zárate Lupercio has worked for Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. de C.V., Mexico City, for nearly 30 years and once was president of Bimbo Asia in Beijing. He majored in biochemical engineering at ITESM in Mexico, received a postgraduate degree in strategic marketing at UCA in Argentina and received a master’s in business administration from EDDE in Argentina.
“It’s an honor to take part in the event that has made such an impact to the industry over the past 30 years,” Mr. Zárate Lupercio said. “The support from A.B.A. and BEMA shows the commitment to the industry, helping it to develop, innovate and grow as well as bring together the entire grain-based foods industry.”
Mr. Zárate Lupercio and Mr. Benton both represent the American Bakers Association.
“Robert and Jorge bring considerable strength to the I.B.I.E. committee and fully recognize the importance of I.B.I.E. in fulfilling A.B.A.’s mission to strengthen the baking industry,” said Robb MacKie, president of the A.B.A.
The I.B.I.E. 2016 will take place Oct. 8-11, 2016, in Las Vegas. The full I.B.I.E. committee includes Michael Cornelis of American Pan, A Bundy Baking Solution as chairman; Joseph Turano of Turano Baking Co. as vice-chairman; Dennis Gunnel of Fuji Corp. as secretary-treasurer; Chuck Wellard of the A.B.A. as assistant secretary-treasurer; Howard R. Alton III of Pan-O-Gold; Mr. Benton; Andrea Henderson of Rondo; Richard Hoskins III of Colborne Foodbotics; Fred Springer of Burford Corp.; David Watson of Campbell Soup Co.; and Mr. Zárate Lupercio.