WASHINGTON — The Food Safety Modernization Act will be the subject of a special education session March 14 during the annual division meetings of the North American Millers’ Association. Key aspects of FSMA that impact millers will be featured during the session. Topics will include a review of HACCP vs. hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls, supply chain implications for millers and a review of the final rule for preventive controls for human food and the final rule for preventive controls for animal food. Presenters will include Jesse Leal, Quality Services Manager-Food Safety Training, AIB International, and Ricardo Carvajal, NAMA F.D.A. counsel with the law firm of Hyman, Phelps and McNamara PC. The NAMA meeting will be held March 12-15, at the Loews Don CeSar Hotel in St. Pete Beach, Fla.