KARLSHAMN, SWEDEN — Melker Schörling has announced he will step down as chairman of the board at AAK following the company’s annual general meeting on May 17, 2017.
AAK said a nomination committee will look into potential replacements for Mr. Schörling over the next few months. In the meantime, he will continue to support and act as an adviser to AAK’s management as well as the board of directors.
Mr. Schörling has been chairman since 2005 and also is chairman of several other company boards, including Hexagon, Melker Schörling AB, Securitas AB and Hexpol AB. He also has held the positions of chief executive officer of Securitas AB and president and c.e.o. of Skanska AB.
AAK provides value-added vegetable oils and fats, operating 20 production facilities with sales offices in more than 25 countries and more than 2,700 employees.