BATTLE CREEK, MICH. — A decision by Kellogg Co. to withdraw advertising from a politically provocative web site has prompted a retaliatory call for a boycott. Kellogg said last week it would no longer advertise on the Breitbart News web site. Breitbart, which claims to have 45 million monthly viewers, has been associated with the alt-right movement and until recently was headed by Steve Bannon, a top adviser to President-elect Donald Trump.
“We regularly work with our media-buying partners to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren’t aligned with our values as a company,” Kellogg said in a statement. “We recently reviewed the list of sites where our ads can be placed and decided to discontinue advertising on We are working to remove our ads from that site.”
A day later, Breitbart ran a headline appearing to target Battle Creek-based Kellogg — “Shock: Amnesty International Blasts Kellogg’s for Using Child Labor-Produced Ingredients.” The Breitbart editor urged its readers to boycott Kellogg products.
“If you serve Kellogg’s products to your family, you are serving up bigotry at your breakfast table,” said Alex Marlow, Breitbart’s editor-in-chief.