Mondelez International has 52 power brands that generate $100 million in annual sales and nine brands with at least $1 billion in annual sales. In 2012, its power brands represented nearly 60% of total revenue and grew at 8%, or about twice the rate of the total company. In the biscuit category, these brands account for about 65% of the total sales.
Mondelez International holds the No. 1 position worldwide in the biscuit, chocolate, candy and powdered beverage categories and the No. 2 position in gum and coffee.
Overall, Mondelez International products can be found in 165 countries worldwide, but its ultimate goal is much higher. “We think we have a great portfolio of brands, and we want our portfolio of brands in everyone’s household across the globe,” noted Cynthia Waggoner, vice-president, North American Integrated Supply Chain, Biscuits.