Pre-report trade estimates indicated this year’s more favorable spring conditions were likely to lead to sizable planting increases: 9% for all wheat, up to 23,400,000 acres, and a 12% jump for durum to 4,500,000 acres. On April 12, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in its Canada: Grains and Oilseeds Outlook, preliminarily forecast the area seeded to all wheat in Canada for harvest this year at 9,680,000 hectares (23,919,000 acres), up 11% from 8,737,000 hectares (21,589,000 acres) in 2011. A.A.F.C. forecast durum plantings at 1,840,000 hectares (4,547,000 acres), up 13% from 1,625,000 hectares (4,015,000 acres) a year ago. The ministry forecast wheat (excluding durum) plantings at 7,840,000 hectares (19,373,000 acres), up 10% from 7,112,000 hectares (17,574,000 acres) in 2011. A.A.F.C. said, in its report, “More specifically, the area seeded to winter wheat increased by 22%, while the area seeded to spring wheat is forecast to increase by 9%.” The A.A.F.C.’s grain and oilseeds report said a factor influencing the number of acres that ultimately will be planted in wheat was competition from oilseed crops such as canola, which currently have more favorable market conditions.
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