FRANKFURT, GERMANY — Caremoli Group has expanded its CareGrain line with the addition of pre-cooked, whole Sustagrain kernels from ConAgra Mills, Omaha. Caremoli made the announcement at Food Ingredients Europe 2009 in Frankfurt Nov. 17-19. ConAgra Mills has granted Caremoli Group rights to use its Sustagrain trademark with the Sustagrain kernels for distribution in the United States and Europe.
Sustagrain, a proprietary, identity-preserved natural barley variety, is 30% dietary fiber.
"With the addition of pre-cooked whole Sustagrain kernels to the CareGrain portfolio, Caremoli is excited to offer more products that help our customers meet the growing demand for nutrition and convenience," said John Brandquist, vice-president of sales and marketing for Caremoli. "Combining the nutritional credentials of Sustagrain with our processing technology is a great way to help our customers introduce the next generation of whole grain products."
Caremoli and ConAgra Mills cooperated to develop the pre-cooked whole Sustagrain kernels through a thermal-physical treatment, a proprietary technology that maintains the quality, enhances the sensory properties and adds preparation convenience to the whole grain.