RIDGEWAY, COLO. — The boards of the Wheat Foods Council and the Grain Foods Foundation have established a partnership, effective on Sept. 1, under which Judi Adams will serve as president of both organizations.
Under the agreement, both organizations will retain their names, representing the common interests of the grain foods industry. The boards said the Grain Foods Foundation will continue to serve as the consumer education and promotional arm of the industry, while the Wheat Foods Council will focus on opinion leaders to leverage grains nutrition education. Each will retain its own board of directors/trustees.
“After careful consideration and discussion of the role each organization plays, we realized it made the best sense to form an industry partnership to better represent the interests of all our members,” said Breck Barton, co-chairman of the Grain Foods Foundation Board of Trustees and president of Cereal Food Processors in Mission Woods, Kas. Mr. Barton is also a member of the Wheat Foods Council.
Joel Crowder, who also is co-chairman of the G.F.F., added, “Judi has done an outstanding job leading the Grain Foods Foundation for the past six years, and given her previous experience as head of the Wheat Foods Council, the decision to name her president of both organizations seemed only natural.” Mr. Crowder is a senior director of the Kroger Co. in Cincinnati.
Ms. Adams was president of the W.F.C. before moving to the Grain Foods Foundation when the group was created in 2004.
The Wheat Foods Council was established in 1972 by wheat producers. The Grain Foods Foundation was established by the baking, milling and allied industries. The Grain Foods Foundation has an annual budget of just over $3 million while the W.F.C. operates with an annual budget of about $725,000.
The W.F.C. has been without a president since the July 2009 resignation of Marcia Scheideman. The following month, Carol Pratt, a nutritionist, was named as a dietetic consultant to the group. Ms. Pratt will continue in her work through the end of September.
Ms. Adams expressed her gratitude to Ms. Pratt as well as to other W.F.C. staff members, Lynn E. Holly, communications manager, and Vikki Berry, office manager, who also will be departing.
“Lynn and Vikki have been extraordinary helpful during this transition,” Ms. Adams said. “The industry has benefited greatly from their work over the years.”
David Moore, chairman of the W.F.C. and a member of the Texas Wheat Producers board, said the consolidation will “maximize efficiencies and will strengthen the voice of our industry among consumers and influencers.”
With the partnership, Gayle Veum, a registered dietitian, has joined the W.F.C. as vice-president. She has been working part time for the G.F.F. for the past five years in a variety of administrative and nutritional support functions.