SAGINAW, TEXAS — Horizon Milling, a joint venture between Cargill and CHS, will invest in its Saginaw flour milling facility, the largest flour mill in Texas, to enhance milling efficiencies and capabilities. The project, which remains subject to the receipt of all civil and regulatory approvals, is slated to begin this summer and be completed in summer 2013.
“This will be the largest facility project in Horizon Milling history to date,” said Dan Dye, president of Horizon Milling. “This facility upgrade and modernization will enable us to improve our efficiencies and capabilities as we serve a growing market in the U.S. southwest.”
The project includes the replacement of two existing hard wheat milling units with two new units, thereby increasing milling efficiencies and capabilities, Horizon said. A new processing building also will be built to house the new milling equipment.
In addition, the project will expand flour storage space by 8,000 cwts, increase temper storage by 10,000 bus and add an additional storage bin for wheat midds. Cleaning house equipment also will be upgraded. Wheat flour capacity will be expanded to 26,000 cwts per day from 22,500 cwts currently.
“Our Saginaw mill helps serve Dallas/Fort Worth, the fourth most populated metropolitan area in the United States,” said Jon Cozad, facility manager. “As our customers’ businesses grow, we want to grow with them and contribute to their success. Our whole team is really enthusiastic about this project.”
Mr. Cozad said there will be no interruption of supplies to customers during the project.