MINNEAPOLIS — Cargill has resumed cocoa and chocolate operations at its production facility in the Ivory Coast. Additionally, the company’s cocoa bean purchases have recommenced, and exports of products and beans are expected to resume in the next few days. Cargill suspended purchases of Ivorian cocoa in late January.
The company’s farmer training program for certified sustainable cocoa is planned to resume in June.
“The situation is continuing to improve with visible and practical signs that the country is on the road to recovery following the months of instability and uncertainty after the presidential elections,” said Jos de Loor, managing director Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate. “President Ouattarra and his government are now taking steps to restore stability and security across the country.”
Mr. de Loor said Cargill has inspected and cleaned its processing facility and determined there is no damage to the buildings or installations.
“Cocoa beans stored at our warehouses in Côte d’Ivoire were cleaned and dried in preparation for export and have been kept under good conditions to maintain their quality,” he said.
Mr. de Loor said Cargill’s overall stock and production are sufficient to meet its 2011 commitments.