ORLANDO, FLA. — The American Medical Association has adopted policy to support legislation to ban the use of artificial trans fats in restaurants and bakeries nationwide.
"Trans fats have been proven to raise L.D.L., the bad cholesterol, while lowering H.D.L., the good cholesterol, which significantly increases the risk for heart disease," said Mary Anne McCaffree, M.D., A.M.A. board member. "By supporting a ban on the use of artificial trans fats in restaurants and bakeries, we can help improve the quality of the food Americans eat and may ultimately save lives."
Previous A.M.A. policy has urged a reduction in the use of trans fats and encouraged replacing trans fats with healthier fats and oils. Cities such as Chicago and New York already have banned trans fats in restaurants and bakeries.
"Not all fats are the same," Dr. McCaffree said. "By replacing artificial trans fats with healthier alternatives, like extra virgin olive oil, we could prevent approximately 30,000 to 100,000 premature deaths each year."