WASHINGTON — Two new sessions focused on improving communication strategies with employees and cultivating talent within a company will highlight the American Bakers Association’s Human Resources Committee set for July 18-20 in Lake Geneva, Wis.
“We have really raised the bar with this agenda,” said John Wagner, vice-president of labor relations for The Kroger Co. and chairman of the Human Resources Committee. “This meeting will cover current issues as well as prepare us for what’s coming in the future. If you are an H.R. or labor relations professional in the baking industry, you don’t want to miss this meeting.”
The two new strategy sessions will be led by Jill Folan and Rick Sherwood of New York-based Towers Watson, and Mark Schmit of The Society for Human Resources Management, Alexandria, Va. Ms. Folan and Mr. Sherwood will discuss how to create more effective communications strategies for companies while Mr. Schmit will discuss talent management strategies in the post-recession economy.
“Both of these presentations are based on recommendations from H.R. Committee members,” said Cory Martin, senior manager of government relations for the A.B.A. “We’ve geared this meeting to meet members’ needs and allow them to strategize on not only policy issues impacting their businesses, but also to discuss effective organizational trends to help each member better fulfill his or her role as an H.R. professional in his or her company.”
Deb Gold, principal at Mercer in Chicago, in her presentation will focus on the impact of the new health care law on companies’ bottom lines while longtime A.B.A. H.R. Committee counsel Peter Susser of Littler, Wash., will provide an update on the National Labor Relations Board progressive agenda and how the recent Supreme Court ruling impacts decisions made over the past few years.
Finally, Ken Goldstein, professor at the University of Wisconsin and political commentator on CBS, ABC and CNN, will discuss implications of the pending mid-term elections this November.