WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture on July 30 established the 2010-11 tariff rate quota (T.R.Q.) for raw sugar at 1,231,497 short tons, raw value, the minimum amount to which the United States is committed under the World Trade Organization Uruguay Round Agreements.
Meanwhile, the U.S.D.A. set the 2010-11 refined and specialty sugar T.R.Q. at 109,251 tons. The total includes the W.T.O. minimum amount of 24,251 tons, of which 1,825 tons is reserved for specialty sugar, as well as an additional specialty sugar amount of 85,000 tons to accommodate the expanding organic food sector.
The U.S.D.A. said it will administer the specialty sugar portion of the T.R.Q. in five tranches, opening with a tranche of 1,825 tons on Oct. 20. The remaining four tranches will be reserved for organic sugar and other specialty sugars not currently produced commercially in the United States or reasonably available from domestic sources, the U.S.D.A. said.