WASHINGTON — Wheat stored in all positions on Dec. 1, 2010, totaled 1,927,755,000 bus, up 8% from 1,781,691,000 bus on Dec. 1, 2009, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said in its latest Grain Stocks report. Dec. 1 corn stocks were down 8% at 10,039,877,000 bus, and soybean stocks were down 3% at 2,276,860,000 bus.
The U.S.D.A. stocks numbers were below the average of pre-report trade expectations for all three commodities.
On-farm stocks of wheat were 550,000,000 bus, down 2% from 558,800,000 bus a year ago, while off-farm stocks were 1,377,755,000 bus, up 13% from 1,222,891,000 bus last year. Indicated disappearance of wheat during the September-November period was 522 million bus, up 22% from the same period last year, the U.S.D.A. said.
Durum stocks were 68,519,000 bus, down 10% from 75,781,000 bus a year ago. On-farm stocks of 46,600,000 bus were down 8% from a year ago while off-farm stocks of 21,919,000 bus were down 13%. Indicated disappearance during the September-November period was 31.6 million bus, up 22% from a year ago, the U.S.D.A. said.
On farm stocks of corn totaled 6,302,000,000 bus on Dec. 1, down 15% from a year earlier, while off-farm supplies were 3,737,877,000 bus, up 7%. Indicated disappearance of corn during the September-November period was 4.11 billion bus, up 6% from 3.86 billion bus in the same period last year, the U.S.D.A. said.
Old crop on-farm soybean stocks were 1,091,000,000 bus, down 11% from Dec. 1, 2009, while off-farm stocks totaled 1,185,860,000 bus, up 7%. Indicated disappearance during September-November was 1.2 billion bus, up 4% from the same period a year earlier.
Dec. 1 stocks of other grains were: barley, 181,120,000 bus, down 12% from 2009; oats, 101,076,000 bus, down 9%; and grain sorghum, 235,523,000 bus, down 6%, the U.S.D.A. said.