The market for global green packaging is forecast to reach $274.15 billion by 2020, according to PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies.

Many manufacturerers are reducing their source material through downgauging, creating thinner, lighter primary and secondary packaging. PMMI's infographic shows that food and beverage led the global green packaging market with a share of 54% in 2015. Click above to view the full image.

PMMI owns and produces the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, including PACK EXPO International 2016 and Pharma EXPO (McCormick Place, Chicago; Nov. 6–9). With over 2,300 exhibitors in more than 1.2 million net square feet of exhibit space, the co-located shows are welcoming 50,000 attendees to McCormick Place in the fall.

Register for PACK EXPO International and Pharma EXPO 2016 on-line at