Resistant starches are the easiest of the insoluble dietary fibers to use because they tend to be non-hygroscopic and exhibit low water-binding capabilities. “This permits high inclusion levels for Cargill’s ActiStar RT with few formulation changes while maintaining desirable finished texture,” said Michelle Kozora, technical services manager, Gargill, confirming that it is extremely process tolerant in food systems.
With a dietary fiber content of 90% on a dry solids basis, Fibersol is easy to incorporate, with minimal formulation and process adjustments, according to Doris Dougherty, technical service representative, Fibersol. “It allows formulators to increase total soluble fiber while maintaining the finished product characteristics,” she said. “It is heat-stable, acid-stable and remains intact during yeast fermentation.”
Ms. Kozora pointed out, “RS4 ingredients like Cargill’s ActiStar RT are easy to work with and can be a direct replacement of flour. It offers a bland taste and smooth mouthfeel and is stable at low pH. Its fine granulometry allows it to function as a fiber without a gritty mouthfeel.”
Working with MGP Ingredients’ Fibersym RW wheat resistant starch, Ody Maningat, PhD, chief science officer, reported loaf volume for white pan bread made with it to be similar to the control bread with no added fiber. He tested a variety of other fiber sources, added to the formula to achieve 5 g fiber per 50-g serving. “The doughs made with Fibersym RW, RS2 high-amylose corn starch and RS3 resistant corn starch had approximately similar absorption levels and processing convenience,” he said.
Launched at the 2016 International Baking Industry Exposition by Ingredion, Versafibe dietary fiber ingredients are insoluble resistant starch products that offer high fiber and process tolerance without impacting the taste, texture or appearance of baked foods, pastas and extruded cereals and snacks, Maria Tolchinsky, senior business development manager, global nutrition, Ingredion, Inc. reported. Two forms of the new ingredient are offered, one derived from corn, the other from potatoes. The latter is a great fit for “grain free” foods, according to Ms. Tolchinsky.
Among formulators, resistant starch is known for the crispness it gives to baked snacks and breakfast cereals. “Fibersol ingredients also delay staling, therefore improving textural qualities,” Ms. Dougherty said.
A study done by MGP at the University of Nebraska found enhanced crispness in both direct and indirect expanded snacks made with Fibersym RW. “In a different published study conducted at Kansas State University, the same crisp texture was observed for extruded breakfast cereals containing Fibersym RW, which extended the bowl life of the cereal,” Dr. Maningat added.
Crispness was also cited by Ms. Dougherty, and Ingredion has long recommended its Hi-Maize to adjust the texture of fabricated chips to the crispier side.