WASHINGTON, DC — The Grain Foods Foundation (G.F.F.) is bringing more vigor and dedication to 2018 by continuing the growth of its 2017 projects. As a foundation that believes everyone who loves bread should know grain loves them back, its mission is to spread this message through scientific research studies, presentations and social media. 

Last year, G.F.F. ramped up its research on the science behind the nutritional value of eating bread and grain-based products through its ongoing partnership with the research team at Nutrition Impact. The foundation also created a viral video called “Eat a Sandwich” as a rally cry to support the consumption of bread. The video had more than 84 million impressions, according to G.F.F.  

The launch of the Healthy Aging Campaign, which highlights the positive impact of grain for people over 50 who desire a healthy and active lifestyle, was also a success. Collaborating with the International Council on Active Aging, the foundation wrote a series of blog posts that were read by more than 50,000 council members who shared those practices with their patients and clients. 

The Healthy Aging Campaign is one of the many projects G.F.F. is investing more time and effort in during 2018 as it expands its partnerships with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, International Council on Active Aging and Silver Sneakers. 

“You’re going to see the momentum that we saw in 2017 grow stronger and better than ever,” said Christine Cochran, executive director, G.F.F. “We are going to do that by continuing to battle the negative sentiment around rich grains. We are going to continue to work with our influence, our network, and grow it by educating and equipping them with the messages that they need.” 

For a more in-depth look at G.F.F.’s successful 2017 projects and how they affect its 2018 endeavors, watch the organization’s video above.