Nellson's newest facility has given the company the opportunity to design with sustainability in mind.
“We certainly want to be good corporate citizens and good neighbors in the communities in which we operate,” said Jamie Better, chief executive officer of Nellson.
The new facility in in Ontario, Calif., uses high-efficiency, low-energy consumption motors whenever possible. LED lighting throughout the facility as well as motion-activated sensors keeps unnecessary electricity from being used. Water in California can be a major concern, and Nellson is doing its part to limit the amount it uses by cleaning wastewater it produces to ensure the company complies with regulations, releasing treated water into the drain systems.
Even though the facility’s sanitation practices are a combination of wet and dry cleaning, Bart Child, senior vice-president, commercial development, said Nellson is pursuing sanitation that uses less water.
“One of the most important things we invested in was outside resources to look at different cleaning technologies so we can more efficiently sanitize and use less water, and in our current environment, that’s extremely important,” he said.