Many bakers tend to focus on the health and benefits that their products offer. It may be protein, no-added sugar or free-from artificial anything. But recent research by Mintel may indicate that a greater focus on consumers’ active lifestyles might be just as important.

That’s not to say they should stop touting a food’s wholesome benefits. In fact, 60% of those surveyed said eating healthy is important as compared to 57% for exercising. But as everyone knows, motivation is the key to a healthy lifestyle, and Mintel’s survey shows that exercising (48%) is more worth the effort than eating healthy (31%).

That’s because consumers perceive exercise as more fun/enjoyable, empowering and a source of pride than eating healthy. Moreover, those surveyed indicated that they stay healthy by drinking enough water (54%), exercising regularly (50%) and getting enough sleep (38%).

On the flipside, consumers are less likely to change their diet to stay healthy by avoiding sugar (21%), eating a low-calorie diet (12%) or limiting the amount of meat they eat (12%). Overall, only 7% of consumers surveyed state they observe a strict diet and nearly one-third eat healthy most of the time. Many find that balance is key with 38% saying their diet comprises a mix of better-for-you and not-so-healthy eating, with another 73% agreeing that “indulgences are permissible in a healthy diet,” Mintel noted.

It seems many health-conscious people would rather go the extra mile to make sure they can enjoy that reward at the end of their exercise routine.