The Vemag Process Check (VPC) 715 is designed for baking companies that want a simple, user-friendly inline checkweighing system. The VPC 715 from Reiser directs the divider as a product changes over the course of large batches or when the dough is resting longer.

“The VPC715 not only steers the divider as the product changes, but it also allows the baker to know his scaling is correct,” said John McIsaac, vice-president of strategic business development, Reiser. “Properly scaled product not only effects the bottom line for ingredients but also optimizes baking and packaging — not to mention the consistency it brings to the consumer.”

The unit was designed for bakeries of all sizes where ingredient costs are a concern. The single-lane units are for cookies and bars and can run at 50 pieces per minute. Pizza dough lines can run at 120 cuts per minute. The dual-lane units are geared more toward high-speed bread and pizza products.

The inline checkweigher is fully washdown capable and features a simple operating system for instinctive and intuitive controls. Finally, data can be exported however a baker needs it, including through a USB port.

(781) 821-1290 •