In this sneak peek of Baking & Snack’s September issue, Editor Joanie Spencer gives a rundown of four key stories featured in the magazine. Watch the video above or read the transcription below to learn more about this month’s issue.
The latest installment in the pandemic is the back-to-school conundrum. And nobody gets that better than Muffin Town, our September plant feature.
Some children are going back to school in person, some are going back to school online, but they all need lunch. So, Muffin Town went all-in on their individually wrapped items.
Take a peek inside this facility to see how Muffin Town is putting some of the biggest consumer concerns at the forefront of their production.
Next, Nico Roesler looks at two products that are doing really well during this time.
First, he breaks down the sales data for pretzels and discovered that this entire category has seen double-digit growth, and every single style has increased dollar sales during what Nielsen calls the “COVID-19 period.”
Nico also looks at the latest equipment technology for another hot item: frozen pizza. He will take you through innovation in dividing and sheeting,
and he also has some great tips on flexibility for your pizza line.
And finally, I had some super interesting conversations with some of the top mixer suppliers about temperature control, and I uncovered some secrets that just might have you thinking twice before you jump to your formula adjustments.
I know we’re still dealing with a lot of rapid change as COVID-19 rages on and Baking & Snack is here for you.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and let me know what’s most important to you. I look forward to hearing from you, and I look forward to seeing you next month.