ARLINGTON, VA. — The US Wheat Associates (USW) has created a film to show how people in the export supply system maintain the wholesome, reliable character of US wheat.

The new film “Wholesome: The Journey of US Wheat,” will premiere Jan. 12 on the US Wheat Facebook page.

“In our organization’s mission to promote US wheat exports, our representatives focus on the consistently high quality of our supplies,” said Steve Mercer, vice president of communications for US Wheat. “Through this film, the people at every step of the journey to export tell their own stories about how they thoughtfully produce new varieties, care for the land and the crop, and handle the wheat responsively to ensure it meets customer needs. This is an educational program that makes the stunning beauty of the land and the emotional attachment of these dependable people to the industry a key part of the story.”

The 25-minute film was produced in cooperation with the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service and the Federal Grain Inspection Service, state wheat commissions, local elevators and export elevators. It will be available to 13 overseas US Wheat offices for use at seminars, courses and trade events and serve as the foundation of new messages informing world wheat buyers and users about US wheat export quality throughout 2021.

“In 2020, we celebrated our 40th year operating as US Wheat Associates by telling our authentic story — that behind the world’s most reliable supply of wheat are the world’s most dependable people,” Mr. Mercer said. “Functional quality is a crucial part of that reliability and the people play such an important role in maintaining quality, we wanted them to help remind our customers about why US wheat is so valuable.”

US Wheat also will produce individual short subject programs covering chapters featured in the film. Each of these programs will be available for viewing later this year on the US Wheat website and on the organization’s Vimeo page