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Bakers producing high-quality cookies, breads and other baked goods may be hesitant to automate and risk sacrificing the quality that’s made their products stand out.

When done properly, however, automation can preserve or even improve this quality while boosting production efficiency and throughput.

“We’ve grown our loyal customer base based on having this high-quality cookie made from the finest ingredients, so maintaining that is paramount to us,” said Brenda Mortenson, director of product development and food scientist at Cheryl’s Cookies, part of the Carle Place, NY-based 1-800 Flowers family of brands. “[Automation] allowed us to maintain our quality but at a higher scale.”

In this episode of Since Sliced Bread, Mortenson shares how Cheryl’s Cookies automated while maintaining its product quality. 

“You can get benefits from automation, but you have to vet those out and make sure it really makes sense, and you don’t lose the essence of your product,” she said. 

Listen to this episode of Since Sliced Bread to learn how to preserve that essence when automating. 

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