LARCHMONT, NY — Ampak Co. Inc. is partnering with Agrigum International, a UK-based producer of gum arabic, to expand the distribution of the ingredient in the United States.

By partnering with Ampak, Agrigum will grow its business in the developing US market, where gum arabic fiber has been approved by the FDA since Dec. 2021.

“I am proud to partner with Ampak, a company that provides reputation, distribution and market strength,” said Dani Haddad, Agrigum’s sales and marketing director. “Our stated mission, ‘Better Health through Food and Nutrition,’ aligns with their values and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. Both of our companies take a hands-on approach to customer care.” 

Going forward, Agrigum said it’s focused on “redefining” gum arabic through increased R&D and the creation of new applications, products and processes.

“We are thrilled to join forces with Agrigum," said Steve Mullins, senior vice president of business development, Ampak. "Promoting the direct presence of Agrigum in North America, we will be uniquely positioned to provide the highest quality gum arabic products to all of our clients, creating an innovative and agile partnership for future growth.”

Ampak was founded in 1978 as a US importer of Indian guar gums and has since grown into a distributor for many global suppliers of these ingredients. Founded in 2007, Agrigum produces gum arabic products for applications including food and beverage, among others. 

Gum arabic offers many functional properties in these applications, including solubility, emulsification, encapsulation, viscosity, stabilization and more.