WASHINGTON ­— A new non-profit organization, The Grain Foods Research Institute (GFRI), has been established as an affiliate of the Grain Foods Foundation (GFF). The new group’s launch was announced Jan. 28 during the GFF’s third annual all-investor meeting.

The GFRI will administer the nutrition science research program on behalf of the grain-based foods industry. Research was a focal point of the GFF’s 2023 strategic plan with an ambition for the group to become “the thought-leader and science-driver in the grain-based foods category by facilitating, funding, translating, and magnifying both peer-reviewed nutrition science and consumer insights research.”

Erin Ball, executive director of the GFF, highlighted numerous reasons a standalone 501(c)3 affiliate group is a preferable choice for the grain-based foods research program. In addition to tightening the industry’s focus on research, the GFRI’s work will serve the public interest, as evidenced by the group’s commitment to rigorous, peer-reviewed research, Ball said. She noted that 501(c)3 organizations must serve the public interest while organizations like the GFF, a 501(c)6, are member -serving organizations. Ball said the GFRI will seek industry support for its activities but also will apply for research funding from both public and private sector research funding entities, including federal agencies and private philanthropic foundations.

In addition to funding research, Ball said the GFRI will offer small grants, “eventually a large number of them,” to help scientific investigators develop plans and apply to groups like the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Health and Human Services to see major research awards.

The new initiative comes against the backdrop of imperiled agricultural and nutrition research in Washington, Ball said.

“For this reason, there has been no better time to mobilize industry and private philanthropic resources toward grain foods nutrition science research — and GFRI is perfectly placed to facilitate such funding,” she said.

A research program looking at the nutritional value of corn, managed on behalf of the North American Millers’ Association is the first project undertaken by the GFRI, Ball said. NAMA is funding the research. Other applications are pending.