Pyler says: Starch gels at baking temperatures 05.03.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton After gelling, starch retrogrades over time affecting the quality of baked goods.Read More
Pyler says: Glycemic index isn't the whole story 04.26.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton How is the glycemic impact of a food measured?Read More
Pyler says: What is "self-rising flour?" 04.19.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton Home bakers use styles of flour different from commercially available types.Read More
Pyler says: Why home flours differ from commercial flours 04.11.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton Bakers need to know the difference when adopting a home recipe for wholesale use.Read More
Pyler says: How commercial sugars differ 04.04.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton Dry sugar options allow formulators their pick of sweetness, flavor, crystal size.Read More
Pyler says: Why ingredients are put in major, minor classes 03.21.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton Bakery formulators group raw materials by their usage rates.Read More
Pyler says: Pentosans improve doughs 03.14.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton A natural component of cereal flours, pentosans play heretofore mysterious roles.Read More
Pyler says: How bagging, overwrapping and flow wrapping work 03.13.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton Different baked goods require different packaging technologies.Read More
Pyler says: Enzymes unlock baking advantages 03.07.2016 By E.J. Pyler and Laurie Gorton Because enzymes work in specific ways, they can fine-tune formulations.Read More
Pyler says: Fiber conveys health benefits 02.25.2016 By Laurie Gorton and E.J. Pyler Here’s why formulators should pay more attention to fiber and how it enhances the appeal of baked foods.Read More