CHARLOTTE, NC — The Schubert Group announced that it is expanding its North American headquarters.
Schubert, which is based in Crailsheim, Germany, and manufactures top-loading packaging machines (TLM), is in talks to purchase land in Charlotte to build its new headquarters. Schubert North America has been located in the city since 2015.
“In addition to our new offices, an assembly hall will also be built at the new location,” said Hartmut Siegel, chief executive officer at Schubert North America. “Final assembly and commissioning for TLM packaging machines will be carried out there. There will be a workshop for service activities as well. In the past, customers often had to fly to Schubert’s global headquarters in Crailsheim, Germany, to approve their machines. In the future, approvals of selected machines will take place directly on site in Charlotte.”
The company plans to develop close partnerships with the University of North Carolina and Central Piedmont Community College, which are nearby.
“Service team members could complete a bachelor’s or master’s degree at the university part-time,” Mr. Siegel said. “Conversely, we could offer internships for students.”