Slideshow: Trans fat-free oils 11.18.2013 By Jeff Gelski Food companies have several alternative oils to choose from when they start experimenting to eliminate partially hydrogenated oils.Read More
E.P.A. proposes lower target for ethanol in R.F.S. 11.18.2013 By Jay Sjerven Agency points to E10 blend wall as reason for the lower target.Read More
Baked foods a focus of F.D.A. acrylamide guidance 11.15.2013 By Josh Sosland Several recommendations offered; agency says some may not be practical.Read More
SupplySide West: F.S.M.A. may give plaintiff lawyers more firepower 11.15.2013 By Jeff Gelski New computer technology also may allow plaintiff lawyers to search social media for potential plaintiffs when preparing for class-action lawsuits.Read More
The U.S. food system 11.12.2013 By Robbin S. Johnson A food system encompasses not only agriculture’s role but also the values, preferences and demands of the society within which farming resides. Read More
Soybean group seeks time to phase out artificial trans fat 11.11.2013 By Jeff Gelski A new soybean oil should help eliminate trans fat and be available in significant quantities by 2016.Read More
Gluten-free goal: Get under 20 p.p.m. 11.08.2013 By Jeff Gelski The F.D.A. issues a ruling on gluten-free claims while improving nutrition remains a priority.Read More
Trans fat proposal challenges bakers 11.08.2013 By Jeff Gelski Industry has 60 days to comment.Read More
F.D.A. moves to remove artificial trans fats from processed foods 11.07.2013 By Keith Nunes The agency has made a preliminary determination that partially hydrogenated oils are no longer generally recognized as safe.Read More
G.M.A. celebrates rejection of bioengineered labels 11.06.2013 By Staff Supporters of the measure say results still too close to call.Read More