Study: Consumer food safety focus, confidence falls 05.23.2014 By Eric Schroeder IFIC study shows Americans giving food safety issues less thought.Read More
Ag, food industry wants more time to digest rule 05.12.2014 By Laura Lloyd Rule on sanitary transport of human, animal foods needs additional time for examination and comments, says advocacy group.Read More
Sticking with PHOs? ‘It could be illegal’ 05.09.2014 By Jeff Gelski Search for alternatives to partially hydrogenated oils accelerates after proposed F.D.A. rule.Read More
Vermont G.M.O. labeling law appears imminent 04.25.2014 By Jeff Gelski Labeling of food produced with bioengineered ingredients would go into effect July 1, 2016.Read More
GRAS under fire 04.08.2014 By Keith Nunes A report by the Natural Resources Defense Council calls into question the adequacy of F.D.A.'s GRAS exemption.Read More
Bakers commit to be allergen-free with segregated systems 04.04.2014 By Staff Designating production lines for a specific allergen relieves sanitation stress.Read More
Infographic: December ethanol output near record high 03.17.2014 By Ron Sterk Production for year also second highest on record.Read More
F.D.A. upholds final rule on vitamin D yeast 03.17.2014 By Jeff Gelski The agency turns down AB Mauri objections and keeps current levels for the safe use of vitamin D2 bakers yeast.Read More
More trade issues follow rise in bioengineered crops 03.14.2014 By Jeff Gelski The Food and Agriculture Organization reports increased detection incidents between 2009 and 2012.Read More
A.B.A. opposes ban on partial hydrogenation 03.10.2014 By Jeff Gelski A letter sent to the Food and Drug Administration lists other ways to reduce trans fat.Read More