Chain-Vey is a division of MPE, the world leader in tubular conveyance technology. Chain-Vey is the ideal conveyor for flour, pre-mix, ingredients, finished baked goods and so much more. For fragile foods, Chain-Vey offers the lowest breakage among all competitors’ conveyors. Chain-Vey also offers the lowest carry-over, low maintenance, and zero black build up. Chain-Vey offers a variety of Clean-In-Place (CIP) options to meet each user’s sanitary requirements. All users can change over ingredients without risk of cross-contamination of flavors or food allergens, which is why co-packers choose Chain-Vey as well. Visit www.chainvey.com to see examples of MPE’s project management and engineering for the baking industry.
Five manufacturers and suppliers were issued patents
Brands from General Mills to Krispy Kreme are feeling the spirit of the season.