At RBS, we’re more than just a snack food equipment manufacturer. We make it our business to build strong and lasting relationships with our customers. As your working partner, collaboration and trust enable us to identify challenges and offer personalized solutions to help you create successful bakery and snack products.
The Reading Bakery Systems Brands - Thomas L. Green, Reading Pretzel, Exact Mixing and Reading Thermal - offer production lines capable of producing a wide range of snack products, continuous mixing solutions and oven profiling and consulting services.
Reiser is committed to providing efficient and intelligent bakery processing and packaging solutions that fulfill our customers’ needs. We partner with our customers, utilizing our in-depth knowledge of dividing, depositing, portioning, packaging, and product development, to determine their ideal solutions. Our state-of-the-art Reiser Customer Center and bakery application specialists are available to help test and develop new recipes and products, while our worldwide team of dedicated support professionals and field service technicians are always available to help improve processes or minimize interruptions.
Our mixing, blending, drying and dispersion equipment, is available in either standard or custom designs, to meet your specific processing needs. The company has a world class reputation for innovative engineering, superb construction and fast delivery. ROSS equipment is designed and built in the USA, China and India. In the USA alone, we operate five plants and a vigorous R & D program.